Glad you made it! I will be looking forward to reading about your thoughts on the book. Post by Saturday night at midnight to get credit. The first post on chapter 1 is due by midnight on July 2nd (This is a few days later than the summer assignment guide stated). I would not procrastinate on this assignment and I recommend posting leisurely sometime midweek.
Please do not write a summary of the chapter... instead write something interesting that came to mind as you were reading the weekly chapter... also, read other posts and comment on what others post as well.
Enjoy and I am looking forward to getting to know everybody through their posts over the summer.
I found it extremely interesting how the first chapter focuses on showing how we can use fossils to help explain our own anatomy. He had a few diagrams, for example one that traced arm bones from fish to humans and it intrigued me that they were so similar even though I would have never thought that there was that much in common. The anatomy of fish to us, it's amazing! I knew that evolution shows that, as humans, we evolved from animals that started out in the water, just like fish, but I was still shocked at how similar fish were to us. I also thought the Tiktaalik was cool because we could actually see our history as fish. Next time I go to the zoo I am going to keep in mind all the different kinds of fossils that lie all over the world. All I can say is...the zoo will never be the same now!