Friday, June 25, 2010

Chapter One

Chapter one was a really great guideline for people who want to find fossils. The author, Neil Shubin, interpreted how and where to find the fossils step by step. He pointed out details and used photos and pictures to give the readers clear understanding about the process. If I want to be a paleontologist in the future, it will be an excellent reference book.
After reading the whole chapter, the most impressive part was a simple but meaningful sentence, which is “We found what we were looking for by trying, failing, and learning from our failures” (16). In the real life I actually understand this sentence’s meaning. My sister and I tried to teach our cousin, Cindy, to ride a bike during this week. However, she fell down because the unbalance on the bike at the first few times. But she did not give up on these failures; Cindy practiced many times and learned how to keep her body balances on the bike at last. So when we meet failures, we should not give up. We need to learn and keep practice from the mistakes or failure that we have made, so it is the necessary process to be successful.

- Tina Huang


  1. I think you make a great point Tina! You were able to dig deep into the text to extract the "theme" of the chapter, and I totally agree.
    Life is about failing, but getting up every time we fail to try and succeed again.
    One example I can relate this to in the text is that the expedition group took 6 years to find what they were looking for, and even though they failed at first, they continued to try harder and eventually they succeed.
    Thanks for helping me make this connection!
    - Ejay Yuan

  2. yeah~ you are right :)

    haha you are welcome :)

  3. I like how you related the book to an everyday event. You made the quote very appealingg :)
