Friday, August 13, 2010

Ch. 8

From ch. 8, i learned a lot of new information about our sense of smell. It was interesting to learn how our receptors in our noses send information to our brains via molecules. That one scent can have thousands of molecules since each receptor has a unique molecule. It was intriguing as well to learn that 3 percent of our genes is dedicated to our sense of smell. However, it was even more shocking to find out that over thousands of that 3 percent aren't even useful in our sense of smell. It was also interesting to find out that since dolphins and whales have almost all their odor gene inactive, their nasal passage is no longer for smelling but breathing. Moreover, i never knew that their was a difference between mammals and water-bound organism with their odor receptors and how they precieve odors differently. Lastly, i found it astonishing that over time, we humans were able to trade some of the activity our olfactory genes into those of our eyes, thus improving their ability. It makes me wonder in the next thousands of years will we humans trade genes again in order to improve our bodies in any ways. Well, this is it, my last post for the summer, and it's a great way to end it, with the ch. being short and all (and if you thought it's because we don't have to post anymore after ch. 8 then shame on you!!!). Anyways have a great rest of the summer.

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