Thursday, August 5, 2010

Adventures in Bodybuilding

This chapter was indeed very informative and at the time quite intriguing. I never knew how important cells were until I got to read this chapter. There are so many varieties of what cells can do in the human body. I got to see how different cells made different parts of the body that is essential of the way we move, eat, talk, and do other things. It was interesting to learn how even with limited cells, a body can form. How cells are placed into different pattern can result in different body parts and textures. Before I read all this I seriously thought there were only a few different kinds of cells in our body. But then, I was wrong because there are so many kinds of cells that makes my body. Even our bones consist of different patterns of the cell placement, and they exchange information as if they are some kind of machines. It was kind of hard to take in all this information because I realize how complex the body system is. However, with blobs, its a different story. Although placozoans only have four types of cells, it is still able to make a body! WHOA! I never knew that was even possible. And with cells coming together to make different parts in the bodies. All these information were fascinating and I really enjoyed this chapter.

-Joo Won Jang

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you 100%! It truly is amazing how blobby cells play such a tremendous role in our lives.. don't you just love how Shubin never fails to grab our entire attention?
