Thursday, July 29, 2010

Chapter six: The Best Laid (Body) Plans

So im sitting in the plane reading this chapter, and honestly i got kind of sleepy when I read it. It basically explains how the bodies of many many other creatures are similar in the developing of the embryo. Besides primitive animals like the jelly fish, most creatures consist of the "front/back, top/bottom, and left/right"(97) organization of the body. Then, Shubin discusses the findings of Karl Ernest von Baer and his experiments on chicken embryos. This led Shubin to discover that the specific layers of the chicken embryo are found in other animals as well. He also brings up DNA again, where he mentions the hox gene which is responsible for mutations. This was a strange chapter, but mabye because I was distracted by the movies playing on the plane. I wonder if blogspot is banned in China.

Ian Tang

1 comment:

  1. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. that last sentence made me laugh. :]

    good job ian, have fun in china.
