Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Chapter Five;

This chapter did not fail to interest me compared to the last chapter talking about teeth -_- The human head being the center of all brain activity is quite an amazing part of all living things. Reading about the two different cranial nerves, trigeminal and facial, made me want to experiment by making different faces at my dog and sort of feeling the different muscles moving around my face and head.

From the section "The Inner Chaos of the Head", Shubin talks the development of the plates that cover our brain from infants, to toddlers, and so on. And it made me think why my mom never really let me touch the baby around their head because it is still pretty fragile. And it also made me thought of how some comedic people on television mention someone being dropped on their head as a child because they are a tad bit slow. I thought this section of the chapter was pretty straight forward and stating facts. Not much of Shubin's thoughts or observations.

Also in this chapter, Shubin brings up sharks and worms. As I looked at the visual on page 91 it made me think even more how similar we can be compared to other animals in addition to the rest of Shubin's stated observations and explanations. Amphioxus being the earliest creatures to provide evidence of nerve cords blew my mind away because worms being the soft living thing they are, I would have never thought they would contain almost the same in their bodies as us because they look so simple.

-Briana Fauni

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