Thursday, July 1, 2010

Chapter Four

Teeth...who knew they were that important? To think that millions of years from now, some futuristic beings will be digging up our teeth from the ground, is strange. Well, I'm pretty sure our teeth remnants wont be that helpful, considering the amount of cavities people have today. But fish teeth, on the other hand, are very helpful and interesting. When Neil went out on his first expedition, I felt for him, through all of his turmoil and his long-going struggle to find a fossil, any fossil. And then I felt as if I was there, when he finally found his first teeth, and suddenly saw an expanse of fossils on the rocky floor, and it was exciting. And when they went to Nova Scotia, learning about the ocean and the tides there was-- crazy! It was amazing to find out that the fossils could survive the crazy ocean tides that covered a half-mile. This was just-- incredible. When I go to the beach, shells are there one moment, and gone the next; so Neil and his crew got really lucky, or Nova Scotia is too cool for school. The world is diverse, but on some level we are all the same (this becomes more and more clear the more i read:) .
-Danielle Field:)

(I'm sorry that my posts dont sound as intellectual as everyone elses. Its a flaw of mine :( )

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