Saturday, August 13, 2011

Ch 7: Adventures in Bodybuilding

This chapter was more interesting than the other chapters because it talked more about the whole body in general and how it came to be. I thought it emphasized the importance of cells, like when he talked about how cancer develops because cells aren't following the given rules. It's interesting to see and understand that cells build our whole body. And I thought it was cool that along with the findings of the first bodies came the first trackways; having a body allows creatures to move. I also learned that cells are held together by molecules, which also allow cells to communicate with each other. The difference in the amount of hydroxyapatite, collagen, and proteoglycan affects the function and the design of the bones in our body. And I like how he displayed cells as humans by saying that they talk to eachother and they know their specific duties and when to perform them. Something I found amazing was his connection between complex bodies and sponges. And I thought it made sense when he stated that bodies formed when microbes learned to eat eachother, and that the sudden increase in the presence of oxygen aided in the development of bodies. This chapter was fun. (:
-Sarah You

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