Saturday, August 20, 2011


What i really found interesting in this chapter was how Shubin said we could find and extract DNA at home. I would really like the opportunity to do that at home or school but mom or budget cuts will not allow it to happen. I believe that a centrifuge is created once all the bits are made into mush and the valuable stuff and the invaluable stuff will separate because of liquid density or because the important parts are always at the top.

Within this chapter, I found fascination in the illustration shown on page 151 of the development of the eye. This representation makes me actually appreciate my eyes and their importance and worth in what and how it sees. I also like how he explains the difference between rods and cones. I really never understood them until now. They are very important in seeing light and in darkness. I had a friend do research based on astigmatism and light and dark perceptiveness.

Once again the illustrations in this chapter really fascinated me. The pictures on page 163 really made me spend time in understanding how they are valuable to us. The picture shows how the bones in our middle ear developed from useless bones to ones that help make us hear.

I really like the subheading in this chapter because it is very true. It first brings all the chapters in this book together and second we are like a zoo, comprised of many different exhibits-different organs and different bones. Also the analogy to a family of Bozo clowns helps understand the genetic evolution that play an important part in everyday life and in the overall analysis of where we come from.

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