Saturday, August 20, 2011

chapter 8
The title gave away that the chapter would be something about smell. Before reading, I took a moment to think...what do I enjoy smelling? What are scents used for? Do smells trigger certain things in my primal nature? The sense of smell is so much more than that though. It's one of our five major survival tools to survive. Smell helps us "prey" upon our diet, live our life, and surfaces memories associated with that smell. The thing that really tripped me out was that fishes can smell INSIDE THE OCEAN. I thought since there was can scents be down there? But fishes have a small cavity inside their head to enable them to do that. Evolution...what can you say. It's an amazing thing.
ch 9
I've always wondered how did eyes evolve...because eyes are sort of liquid like and they don't survive fossils. They leave just a whole in the skull or whatever the animal had. But of course evolution had a way of explaining it. There's a whole process to vision. Light has to be captured then processed to the brain to become an image. I thought you just look at things and boom, there it pops up. But science has a way of proofing all of our bodily functions.

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