Sunday, August 21, 2011

Chapter 8-11

Chapter 8
Chapter eight’s title making scents had got me interested. Ay first I read the title as making sense but then after reading that chapter I realized that making sense didn’t actually make sense for that title. So then I looked back and there I saw the title making scents. I got amused in this chapter because it had helped me learn how the nose actually worked. When I read the part with how the tiktaalik’s have two nostrils I was fascinated because it never occurred to me that a awkward looking animal can have two nostrils as a human. When the chapter was about to end I read the part where Shubin said that humans rely more on sight then the sense of smell. Which was true but then I peeked at the next chapter I saw it was about sight so then I thought that Shubin is really good at ending the chapter by introducing the next chapter.

Chapter 9
Chapter nine vision had also interested me because now it was about sight. From the diagram with an impel, nautilus, scallop, and human I can see that the human eye can see better. Eyes are like a camera without it we wouldn’t be able to visualize and see anything. I knew that genes make up eyes whether if they are big or small. It depends all on the genes. This chapter was not that long so I didn’t learn much from it. Most of the facts I already knew about. But im glad that it helped me learn some new thing then none at all. I cant wait until I read the next chapter. The only thing that can be left would be to hear.

Chapter 10
Chapter 10’s title ear was obvious because of the two past chapters making scents and sight. Obviously ears are there for you to hear but the real thing is how do they actually work? I really got amused on how the ear has three parts to it. The inner, outer, and the middle ear which would help process that to the brain. The inner ear really helps a lot well basically it does most of the work from the three parts of the ear. It is weird how each animal’s ear part’s are different. They either have something extra added to it or it either has something taken away from it. I wanted to learn more about how fishes hear and how they use there ear. I think Shubin should have added a little more about how the ear would be used for fish for clearer understanding. This chapter didn’t actually interest me as much but then it did help me learn a lot of information. As a result the two previous chapter’s had got me interested more.

Chapter 11
Chapter eleven the making of it all was the best from through out the book because it had cleared up a lot of question that I had. Although I still had some questions that I still needed help answering, well I guess I’ll ask Mr.Tisor or I probably look it up online. The diagram of the bozo family tree had taken out a chuckle in me (which was the only laugh I got out of me from this book) which was also true that each generation had some new problems but when the last generation came it got all the problems. I really liked this chapter because it had some new things that I never learned about and it had some things that I knew about but didn’t but so much pressure into for learning. As a result this book was very educational and the fist book that I read which didn’t make me fall asleep. I like how Neil Shubin wrote his book with stories and fun and interesting facts!

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