Sunday, August 14, 2011

Chapter 7: Adventures in Bodybuilding

When I first read the title, I expected it to be about working out and the muscles mostly. At the same time, however, I knew it wouldn’t be. This was one of the easiest chapters to comprehend because Shubin breaks it down into three separate questions. He had so much to say, and much of what he said had me wanting to read more. The most interesting to me was when he said that he watched an animal actually developing. I mean, isn’t that amazing? I’ve always imagined it in my head, but I also want to experience it. I also found it interesting that he emphasizes the importance of the cells working together; it scares me thinking of what could happen if the cells don’t cooperate.

I also enjoyed his talk about the sponges, and how the can regrow their body parts if they are cut off. That’s not fair; I want to be able to do that :( Anyways, he also explains that without our spine, we wouldn’t be able to walk, chew food, or talk, and that we’d just be a pile of like, goo. And when he talks about collagen, the first thought that goes through my head was “I’ve heard of that somewhere before” but couldn’t remember. It’s the most common protein, but I’m barely just learning about it now!

Anyways, I found this chapter extremely fascinating, along with practically all the others.

-Shay Fajardo

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