Tuesday, August 16, 2011


There was two most shocking that Shubin said. The most facts that came to my heart were about another mutation and von Baer's how all the human parts of body come from three layer of tissue, ectoderm, endoderm, and mesoderm. I know that our bodies are composed of cells continuously dividing from mother's uterus, yet, it is so mysterious and amazing how we can be who we are right now just from three layers of tissues. Not just humans, but also other species are made just like us. All the connection among everyone. This is the magnetism of the Biology. The small cells endlessly divide and become big blob which lead us to be who we are. The diagram of the beginning of our figure, one with the tube within our tube, just inspire my curiosity. The second that I was shocked about Mangold produced twin salamander just by transplanting small piece of tissue of first one into second one. Lastly, the diagram of how Shubin posted fly and human changed my perspective of flies.

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