Sunday, August 21, 2011

Chapter Seven: Adventures in Bodybuilding

That title could have been funny if I was still a freshman, but alas its not the case. In this chapter, Shubin explained to us how our bodies formed from tiny microscopic cells, and how important those tiny cells really are. Another thing I didn't know was that cells are connected by molecules, which allow the cells to communicate with each other and make sure each other does its job for the body. He also showed how important oxygen is to the body, and the irony of the fact that our bodies form when microbes learn to consume each other. Without the skeleton, our body would be nothing but a pile of organs sitting atop each other, and the skeleton provides the blueprint to the human body. This chapter was very interesting at times, yet at other parts where he describes the hydroxyapatite, collagen, and proteoglycan levels I tended to drift off a little bit, but he still always brings me back.

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