Saturday, August 6, 2011

Chapter 6: The Best Laid (Body) Plans

This chapter basically talks about how our body is structured and how there are different forms of cells all put together in our bodies. I learned that all humans are structured the same and that they all have the same outer form. In this chapter I learned the clue of the embryo and how they compare us to primitive animals. I think it is pretty cool how Shubin talks about the three layers of our tissues, it was pretty cool how the layer is called the "germ layer". I never knew that every animal organ originates from one of the three layers. Shubin really surprised me in this chapter, because he compares different species that I never even knew could happen, but Shubin did it. Like how he compared humans to a sea anenome. I learned that even though all animlas are the different, all animals are some kind connected in the littlest and simplist way. This chapter is by far my favorite, I can't wait for the next chapter.

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