Saturday, August 6, 2011

Chapter Seven: Adventures in Bodybuilding

When Shubin explained that this chapter was going to be about the when, how, and why of bodies I was interested. But after the first couple pages I lost that interest. I don’t really know why but I kept losing focus and my mind would go off into other directions. The only subject of this chapter that I wanted to read was the why. I find it funny that a scientist disproved another’s assumptions, which show that science isn’t always an exact science. That scientist are proving and disproving theories and assumptions all of the time. I like how Shubin broke down how our bones work. What the bones’ structure is made for; and that different skeletal tissues like cartilage are present for a reason. That are bones are made for pulling and compression while cartilage is made for movement and flexibility. So finally I got to the last section of the chapter and the big question of why bodies are here. I was disappointed to hear that his big explanation was that we were made to eat other things and protect ourselves from predators. I don’t believe in evolution or that humans were put on this earth to eat smaller creatures - that humans are the champions of some war with other species. Humans were put on this earth to do some better, to create something better, and to live great lives; not because it was a competition.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with wendy about how the chapter was interesting about bodies. But the thing that i dont agree is that ithought it was interesting through out the chapter. I also agree that humans were just put on earth to create something not by completion because most of us right now believe that enjoying our life would be the best partbof completing our life not just an over all completion on human formation!
