Monday, August 8, 2011

Chapter 5: Getting Ahead

The title of this chapter did not intrigue me much, however, as soon as I started to read the chapter I was shocked with the information Shubin presented making it my favorite chapter. I could relate to Shubin because if I was ever in his position, staring at 25 human bodies under sheets; I too would get the willies. I was truly amazed to find out what three fundamental parts make up our head: plates, blocks, and rods. I enjoy reading this book because it allows to me to stop and take the time to examine and ask questions that I would not usually ask. For example, what muscles do we use when we frown or smile and reading this chapter, I am able to discover the answer, tiny muscles one of which is the depressor anguli oris. I found it humorous that Shubin compared our human bodies to buildings and construction while intriguing me.

I was truly amazed looking at the diagram of the developing fetus and how arches can create the jaws, ears, larynx, and throat as well as learning that our human embryo is very similar to a shark embryo. When Shubin explained that our head can also be compared to worms and frogs I was very confused. However, reading about the Amphioxus and Haikouella allowed me to learn how our jaws, ear bones, and parts of our voice box support the gill slit, while in a shark the gill slits help pump water through them to filter food particles.

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