Saturday, August 6, 2011

Chapter 6

Never did I realize the importance of embryos until this chapter, and all at once I saw just how vital they are not only for their obvious purpose of developing into the human beings we know today, but by also allowing us to see exactly how interelated and connected most animals are to human beings in the most basic stages of life. Phew that was one long sentence, it sounded like a thesis. In Chapter Six, Shubin explained how the "ball of cells" that makes us up, which is a blastocyt, can implant itself incorrectly and form a very dangerous "ectopic implantation". Through Von Baer, we saw how all animals share a fundamental pattern of life, yet still vary from species to species making us unique in our own special ways. And not special in a bad way either. The rest of the chapter kind of flew by in a blur for me, ending with the absurd yet completely plausible comparison of a sea anenome to a human, and with that I bid you good night.
Keith Renner

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