Friday, August 12, 2011

Chapter 7: Adventures in Bodybuilding

From the very beginning, this chapter caught my attention. I knew that in the embryos the body develops but that didn't stop me from being awestruck when Shubin mentioned that he watched an animal literally assemble its own body. When Shubin started talking about cancer, I started to understand why cancer was so fatal. Before, I understood that cancer was abnormal growth of cells but i didn't really understand why exactly that was so bad. It turns out that it was because it destroys the balance of the body.
This chapter also showed the extent of just how old this planet really is. When Shubin used an analogy for earth's history, I was shocked that humans were only one day out of the three hundred sixty five days of the year
I found the fact that humans could be similar to impressions on rocks very shocking. How in the world could humans relate to an impression? I also thought it was shocking that medical students had been required to identify organs by looking at random slides of tissue under a microscope. Even though I had not been one of them, I felt myself emphathize with them. I had always thought that tissue all lookes similar. However, it turns out that it is possible by seeing the shape of the cells and how they attach another.
On the other hand,this chapter answered a persisting question I had had since having biology in ninth grade. I didn't really understand how a microbe could have developed a body. It was just very baffling to find that a single celled microbe could develop into a body with a whole system of cells. It turns out that it was because microbes learned to eat each other and oxygen appeared.

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