Saturday, August 6, 2011

Chapter 6: The Best-Laid (Body) Plans

The beginning of this chapter was very direct and factual. I thought Shubin's joke about people walking "anus-forward" was funny and a nice break from the formal tone he had in the other paragraphs. Unfortunately I thought Neil Shubin was for the most part dull in this chapter. Unlike the other chapters, I was not as motivated to keep reading and not as entertained.

Despite the fact I was not completely into this chapter, it was very informative. There were a couple of things I actually found interesting; like the fact that even though we all end up looking different, the embryos of living things often start out looking very similar. Another thing mentioned was that by removing a small patch of tissue from one egg to another, twins can be produced. The idea that humans can practically play "God" intrigues me. With modern day science it seems like anything is possible.

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