Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Chapter 4: Teeth Everywhere

This chapter was interesting and suprising at the same time. I think this was the chapter that started to really intrique me into the book. The first paragraph in this chapter caught my attention, when Shubin explained that teeth are vitual in understanding how our bodies evolved. Shubin conitued to explain how teeth are the hardest bone in the human body, so they are the best perserved. I enjoyed Shubin's expedition and found it humours that first Shubin was unable to discover the bones and fossisls that Chuck and Bill could find, but after he found one of his own teeth glisenting in the rock; a new world was opened to him. Who knew that Shubin, the person who paid the dinner bills, would be able to lead his very own expedition in fossil finding. I can understand now what Shubin meant by teeth being the fossil that scientists can find the most of. Each teeth has a unique curve and blade making it contain compleelty unique characteristics. This fact, not only caught my attention, but also showed me how this discovery could lead to the knowledge about the creatures eating and evolving habit. Because we are what we eat! Eat allow us to explore what the animal ate and how they were able to survive. Each creature had a different complexity in the sturcutre of their mouth, for example, either incisors in the front became specialized to cut food, or little mammals, who obtained no molars. I found this fact very interesting and exciting. Also teeth developby by an interaction of two layers of tissue in our developing skin. This was shocking at the same time very interesting to me. I always thought that evolvution was an interesting subject, but very difficult to grasp, however, Shubin mangages to explain the subject of evolvution in the most interesting and exciting was possible, by keeping you engaged in all he says.

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