Sunday, July 31, 2011

Chapter 5: Getting Ahead

I liked how Shubin started the chapter off with a little story of his own. It was quite terrifying, especially when he said he was holding half of the head in each hand. But I also thought it was funny because he got scared and locked his house keys in the lab. As I read on, I found it interesting when he talked about the 12 cranial nerves and how these nerves supply muscles that we use to bite, to talk, and to move our eyes and whole head. As he went on to describe what the nerves' specific purpose was, I began to get a little confused and had to reread it a couple of times. When Shubin started to talk about arches and embryos, I just got confused and found it uninteresting, even the pictured didn't help me that much. But I liked the part where he talked about birth defects. When I went on to reading about sharks, I was extremely suprised when Shubin said we were similar to them. And especially when I read how we are similar to worms, I just couldn't believe it. Well overall, the chapter had its ups and downs and it wasn't the best compared to the others, but I still kind of liked it.

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