Saturday, July 23, 2011

Chapter 4: Teeth Everywhere

Shubin begins the chapter by talking about the importance of our teeth and what they reveal about our eating habits. I agree with Shubin when he states that "teeth are a powerful window into an animal's lifestyle" (61). I found in interesting when he mentioned all that he learned just by studying teeth, which are preserved in rocks. Just be making careful observations on individual teeth, scientists can even determine the exact characteristics of some creatures. I found it admirable that Shubin persevered, even after many failed attempts at finding fossils, and felt inspired when he succeeded in finding what he was looking for. I enjoyed reading about Shubin's expeditions with Chuck and Bill, realizing once again that serendipity plays a significant role in the discovery of fossils. His allusion to the Ostracoderm shows that teeth can be utilized for more than eating- they can be used as protection. It was fascinating when Shubin noted that all of the structures of the skin - including hair, feathers, scales, sweat glands, and even mammary glands - are all made up of interaction between two layers of tissue. His analogy to the factory and assembly process helped me visualize the process he attempted to explain. Overall, I like how all of Shubin's discoveries point to one thing: even though we look different on the outside, we all share common characteristics.

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