Saturday, July 30, 2011

Chapter 5: Getting Ahead

The one thing that I could truly relate to Shubin was on page 85 when he said "Nothing about them seems to make sense". Of all the chapters so far this one was by far the most informative, but also hardest to comprehend. I don't know if its because I don't have any medical background or he was just talking in a language higher up than mine, but nothing really stuff for me. I did find it however interesting that we don't fully start of with a head, that we develop it over a series of weeks in the womb. The developing fetus head looks somewhat like a cray tablet used in a pottery class. I would have not believed beforehand that we are even somewhat related to sharks, that was a truly incredible thing to see in the book. We have gill arches, or we share the commonality with worms that have gill arches? I'm so confused.

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