Saturday, July 30, 2011

Chapter 5- "Getting Ahead"

Chapter 5 was a bit confusing to me due to my lack of ability in human anatomy. Just as perplexed as Shubin's mind was, so was mine, trying to comprehend the structure of the human head and why everything worked the way it did. Then as I kept reading, I began to see our head in a different perspective. With the different diagrams and blueprints, I was able to visualize exactly how the bones in our head function and develop. Also with his explanation with the first, second, third, and fourth gill arches, I was able to understand exactly how separated parts of the head are.
The thing that really caught my attention was the fact that our bones and cartilage are segmented and our nerves are also segmental. This means that they both work in parallel or "correspondence" with one another. I began to comprehend more and more how come all the nerves in our head are jumbled up the way it is: because they all have a specific destination in the end. Another thing I found interesting was the discovery that humans are similar to sharks and worms in means of structure. I never realized how an animal can be so different to us, yet so alike in various ways.

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