Friday, July 22, 2011

Getting a Grip

This chapter was more scientific then the first chapter, it had some of the terms I was scared of, to start with. The one bone-two bones-lotsa blobs-digits made me a little confused but it made sense by the end. Neil had a great way to bring back the reader by putting them where he was years before. He knows how to relate to people that don’t have as much education as he does and he uses that to keep the reader interested. The addition of pictures helps to tie together the ideas and show the incredible similarities of many different animals’ bone structures to ours. In this chapter I was very amazed at how evolution can be traced through bone structures. I was very interested to learn that many creatures alive today even share our bone structure and through that similar structure paleontologists have followed that similarity to find our ancestors. The fossil that Neil had told us of in his first chapter was a connection to all humanities past. This fossil presented us with a fish that had the same bone structure as us, making it a contributor to the structure of our bones.
Alina Okerlund

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