Saturday, July 24, 2010

chapter 5

I agree with everyone else, this chapter was really confusing in the beginning. I never even thought about what the inside of my head looked like, but the description in the book painted a pretty vivid picture for me. It also made me a bit uneasy thinking of the future fun I can look forward to in medical school cutting someones head open to find a mess of nerves tangled together and forming intricate paths through the body. It theory this is fascinating but the image is a bit graphic for my taste. The chapter had me lost for a bit as it tried to describe all the different nerves and there functions, forcing me to go back and reread sections various times until concepts from biology freshmen year began to come back. Once the vocabulary became for familiar the ideas became easier to comprehend and I was able to breeze through the rest of the chapter. It was pretty amazing how much a human embryo could look like a shark, I mean we look nothing like a human at that stage, it was more like some weird blob. By the end of the chapter I decided eating fish should be cannibalism since we seem to be way to closely related.

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