Friday, July 30, 2010

Chapter Six: The best-laid (body) plans

This chapter was sort of confusing or maybe overwhelming. At first Shubin describes his process of comparing embryos. It would be fascinating to see the process, although I know somewhat of it, if would be cool seeing the process day to day. He explains how the fish, amphibian and chicken embryos look alike which is sort of hard to believe but hey I gotta believe it..he proved it.

Shubin states: " No matter how different the species look as adults, as tiny embryos they all go through the same stages of development (100)"
I find this really incredible, how we all looked the same and even animals in a way. Throughout this Chapter, Shubin goes on and explains this. He mentions that we look like Frisbees...HAHA..uhmm Frisbees. Odd and amazing. LOL.

Its astonishing that we are all formed by the endoderm, ectoderm and mesoderm. The diagrams helped me visualize the concept that Shubin was trying to explain. Haeckel's diagram on page 103 flabbergasted me! We were TUBES..sort of! Lol. And the three layers.
AND..who knew we can connect to FLIES! "of flies and men" lol.
Again, the Diagram on 109 helped me understand this ^ concept.

The hox genes, another thing that we all have..sort of. "versions of the Hox genes appear in every animal with a body(110)". Dang, that is SO werid and cool. We compare to animals so much! :)
I cant wait until Shubin compares us to Single-celled microbes...I wonder how his gonna do that.

1 comment:

  1. I totally agree with you Ashima, the diagram on page 103 was very helpful because after that diagram I understood the way that the three layers were distinguished in the tube. Hahaha I know it's amazing how much we are compared to animals and how we are similar to them!
