Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Chapter 8

This is probably my favorite chapter so far. Not because it intrigued me or anything like that, it's just really short. Eight pages, I think. That's a huge turn around from the previous upwards of twenty paged chapter. Regardless, there where some points that drew me in just like most of all the other chapters. First, I had no idea that the process to extract DNA from something could be so easy and done in your kitchen, not a high tech laboratory. It'd definitely be something fun to try. Just a bit messy though. Another interesting point in this chapter was what the chapter was actually about: ability to recognize odor. I never really thought about it, but that's pretty crazy how animals can smell under water. I don't know why, but it just seems like a pretty cool thing to me. Most of all though, the most interesting thing i learned in this chapter is that our olfactory genes take up three percent of our genome but we barely use a couple hundred of them! Then again, not having such an acute sense of smell definitely comes in handy in some smelly situations, and I'd take better vision over smell any day.

1 comment:

  1. thanks for the heads up on chapter 8
    you're quite the progressive dude
