Friday, July 23, 2010

Chapter FIVE.

Again the chapter starts off with an anecdote of Shubin’s life. As his other stories this one is very intriguing, and as Radha said, who stays up at 2 in the morning with half of a head in each hand surrounded by dead bodied. Just as Shubin got the willies, so did I. I am very thankful for the depressor anguli oris, corrugators supercilii and nasalis for allowing us to make frowns, furor our brows and flare our nostrils. When Shubin was describing how our head forms I could picture a bit of what he was saying, and then seeing the diagram on pg 88 really helped envision what he was saying. When he was explaining the arches there was a lot of information to take in, but I slowly understood what he was saying when he said “…the muscles in our legs are supplied by nerves that exit from lower parts of the spinal cord than those that supply our arms” (89). Knowing the arches' development can predict where to look in children with birth effects which is amazing. Like in the other chapters, knowing more about a certain part of our body can unlock lots of complicated mysteries. I liked when Shubin compared us to sharks and as Courtney said it WAS cool, wondering that we were shark-like looking things in our mommy’s wombs haha. Shubin is starting to connect his chapters by talking about sharks and genes from the last chapter. Thinking that our heads could have comefrom worms grosses me out...them and their notochords. And I too LOVE his diagrams. Being a visual learner they really help me see what he’s saying :)

- Nikita Patel

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