Friday, July 30, 2010

Chapter Six

It's pretty common knowledge that our body is made up of many cells, but to find out that we are made up of about two trillion cells is astonishing. As Shubin talked about the body plan of humans and various creatures (especially in the embryo state), I was able to visualize what he was talking about thanks to my kindergarten/first grade teacher, Mrs. Simpson. At my elementary school, in kindergarten and first grade we hatched little chicks and ducklings and then put them on display for open house. We only did this for a few years though, but luckily I was a part of those years. To incorporate education into this exciting adventure, we were taught how the chicks and ducklings develop as an embryo until they eventually hatch. Having seen and learned about the diagrams and information that Shubin presented in this chapter made this chapter more interesting and much easier to understand.

I think it is amazing that you can take a tiny piece of tissue (the Organizer), move it, and create a whole new creature. Scientists discovered a way to create twins at their command. By reading this book, I am realizing just how complicated the human body and everything involved in producing it is.

I am interested in finding out how Shubin is going to connect and compare humans to single-celled microbes.

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