Thursday, July 15, 2010

Chapter 4

When I realized that this chapter was going to be about teeth, I didn't realize how interesting it was actually going to be. I like how Shubin introduced teeth and discussed the different functions of different teeth. Although I already knew that different teeth had different functions, I did not know that teeth developed into different shapes and structures because of the creature and its needs.

As I read about Shubin's entry into paleontology, I became intrigued and wanted to learn more about his journey. I didn't realize how detailed paleontologists have to be when searching for fossils. Searching for tiny bones that blend into the ground is tough. I have a new found respect for paleontologists. They have to be aware of their surroundings and have eyes like a hawk in order to do their work. Although like anything, discovering fossils becomes easier with practice, it is still extremely difficult to find a tiny object buried beneath the ground.

I found it interesting to discover how teeth formed. I never really thought about how they were produced. The development of teeth and bones surprised me, I never thought that they were made of tissues. As I read, I was a little confused about how teeth and bones came to be, but when Shubin talked about conodonts and the ostracoderm it became more clear. I was also amazed that teeth, breasts, feathers, and hair all develop from the same thing, interactions between layers of skin.

I like how Shubin ended the chapter. His recap of the past chapters helped me remember what he already taught me.

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